Weekly Buzz | Share Your Feedback With School Building Committee Tonight

The Buzz has all the details

Weekly Buzz | Share Your Feedback With School Building Committee Tonight

Hello, Burlington! I hope you enjoyed the gorgeous weekend! It was great to see so many of you yesterday at Truck Day. After finishing the Schools In-Depth and spending a glorious day outside with my closest neighbors, I wasn’t able to get the weekly out yesterday. Here it is, a day late but worth the wait.

I wanted to remind you that there are three vacancies on Town Meeting, one in Precinct 2 and two in Precinct 7. Read more about your opportunity to join the town’s legislative body, and then (if you are in Precinct 2 or 7) contact your precinct representatives and the Town Clerk, Amy Warfield, to let them know you’d like to be considered for the post. Then, plan to come to Grand View farm on Tuesday evening as current precinct members vote for their choice to join them.

I also wanted to let you know that, while it lands in your inbox every morning, the Buzz is more than an email. Everything I’ve ever sent out is on the website at www.burlington.buzz, including issues from before you became a member. The site is searchable and as organized as 575 days of emails can be, and you can refer back to it at any time. So if, for example, you wanted to go to the Community Meeting tonight about the Elementary School Building Project, you could refer back to Saturday’s very in-depth story on the history of Burlington schools*, and you could also use the search function or the Schools tag to find previous writeups on the school building process.

That meeting, again, is tonight at 7:00 PM in the Burlington High School auditorium. You can also watch it virtually (Meeting # (Access Code): 2349 279 6215; Password: Burlington) or on BCAT’s Facebook Page.

*These Buzz In-Depth explainers are a perk for paying Hive members, but I’m leaving this one unlocked until after the Community Meeting so that every single community member can become informed and participate. Please share with everyone you know in Burlington.

This Week in Burlington

Municipal Meetings and Community Events

The Zoning Bylaw Review Sign Subcommittee and the Board of Appeals meetings have been canceled for this week.

Monday, September 18

Tuesday, September 19

Wednesday, September 20

Thursday, September 21

Friday, September 22

Saturday, September 23

Sunday, September 24

  • 2:00-6:00 PM - Diwali celebration on the Common; the theme this year is Passage to India, and the cultural events will explore and showcase India’s natural, architectural, and cultural wonders.

Sports and Activities

The Rahanis Park Open was postponed from last weekend; it is intended to be held the weekend of September 30 instead.

In football, the Devils fell to Woburn on Friday in a close 16-14 match. Our golf team also had a tough go of it, losing to Belmont 42-30. Field hockey, though, took home a 2-0 win against Stoneham.

We’ve got all the fall sports on the calendar this week, starting with golf, field hockey, and soccer today.

  • Golf kicks off at 3:30 PM at Shawsheen Tech.
  • Girls host Watertown for a field hockey match today, with varsity playing at 4:15 and JV at 5:30
  • Boys freshman soccer also hosts Watertown at 4:30; they’ll play at Rahanis.

That’s all I’ve got for you today. I hope you have a spectacular day, and I’ll see you tomorrow!


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