Local Government
Select Board Votes on Recreation Department Warrant Articles
The Select Board voted on whether or not to recommend two Recreation Department Warrant Articles for May Town Meeting
Local Government
The Select Board voted on whether or not to recommend two Recreation Department Warrant Articles for May Town Meeting
Local Government
The Planning Board revisited Town Meeting Warrant Articles involving MBTA Communities zoning and rezoning of the Sculpture Park property.
Shawsheen students have another fantastic showing at SkillsUSA districts this year. Fifty-six students qualify for State Competition.
Local nonprofit builds a team of 40 residents to walk and raise money for Project Bread’s 56th Annual Walk for Hunger
A team from The James Gang will run the Boston Marathon to support research of NARS1 and inclusion for adults with intellectual disabilities.
The Woburn/Burlington Welcome Alliance will hold a MassHealth application assistance event. Be sure to RSVP to secure your appointment!
The School Committee voted on the proposed school department budget and heard Fox Hill timeline updates at the April 9 meeting.
This curated list of restaurants with outdoor seating and varied food and drink menus is full of ideas to dine out in Burlington this season.
There are many places to play pickleball in Burlington, and a new website hopes to connect players to coordinate a game.
Municipal Aggregation in Burlington was discussed at the Select Board, as the town's application is stuck in the state queue.
The solar eclipse will pass over Burlington on the afternoon of April 8, 2024. What do you need to know about this event and how to view it?
Local Government
Voice your choice about whether or not the town of Burlington should exclude capital projects from the operating budget.