Local Government
Will Residential Design Guideline Committee Be Established?
The Burlington Select Board was asked to collaborate with other local land use Boards to establish rules for new homes.
Local Government
The Burlington Select Board was asked to collaborate with other local land use Boards to establish rules for new homes.
Changes to Burlington school bus routes have succeeded in getting students to school with enough time, though app issues remain
The High School Building Committee reviewed and thinned out some of the options for a new Burlington High School.
Local Government
The Board of Health heard about mosquito control measures and discussed the impact of influenza, especially for vulnerable populations.
The district expects student performance on standardized assessments to improve after curriculum updates, but the road will be long.
Local Government
The Select Board considered two liquor license questions last night at their meeting. King's Dining and Entertainment, located at 52 2nd Ave, requested permission to serve large "King Size" drinks, an item already offered at ten other King's locations across five states. The Board
Local Government
Burlington's Conservation Commission is considering changes to the stormwater and erosion & sedimentation bylaw, first drafted in 2005 in response to requirements from the Environmental Protection Agency. The current bylaw governing the requirements around stormwater control and sedimentation management that applies to new and redeveloped construction projects, as
Members called for clearer milestones in superintendent's three-year plan, citing the need to measure progress over time.
Local Government
At last night's Select Board meeting, the Board voted unanimously to have two Public Works divisions renamed to better explain what they do. The Select Board has given the green light to change "Central Maintenance" to "Fleet Maintenance" and "Buildings and Cemeteries"
The Select Board on Monday, September 23, approved a request to plant a memorial tree in honor of Roger Cook, who passed away on August 21. Cook was a Burlington resident of over 50 years and BHS graduate. He also founded K&R Tree & Landscaping in 1982 with
Students addressed the School Committee on Tuesday evening about two recent incidents regarding school safety and urged the district to communicate more transparently with families regarding such incidents. On Friday, September 20, a student at Burlington High School brought a kitchen knife to school. An notification was sent to parents
Local Government
On the Town Meeting Warrant this September will be an article asking to place a question on the ballot that many towns in Massachusetts have passed. Sarah Cawley, who sat on the subcommittee to investigate the pros and cons of having an appointed Town Clerk in the town of Burlington,