Weekly Buzz | BB Welcomes the New Sports Section!

See you at Pride today!

Weekly Buzz | BB Welcomes the New Sports Section!

Hello and Happy Sunday!

Today, Burlington’s second annual Pride celebration will take place on the Town Common from 11-2. Hope to see you there!

Another upcoming celebration is the Fourth of July Parade. The town contributes to the running of the parade, and this year Town Meeting granted the Select Board’s 4th of July Committee more funding than usual to offset some of the shortfall from corporate donations, since the pandemic has left many businesses unable to contribute. However, the Committee is still seeking some corporate sponsorship - so if you or someone you know have a business that can contribute and wishes to do so, please reach out to the Fourth of July Committee!

Nicole Dupuis - Cell: 978-604-6192; nicole.dupuis@comcast.net
Brenda Rappaport - Cell: 781-640-3668; brendabrappaport@gmail.com

Finally, I’ve gotten off my behind and started a sports section. It’s glaringly empty now, and will likely be sparsely populated until fall, but it’s there and it signals a commitment to get better at covering sports in town. If you would like to contribute, please let me know!

This Week in Burlington

This week is frontloaded with meetings that will likely be very eventful. Nothing yet is on the calendar for Wednesday on, but I suspect that will change. For now, here is what we have.

Monday, June 27

Tuesday, June 28

That’s it for now, but again - I’m sure items will be added as the week goes on! Stay tuned for the daily so you can know what’s going on in town each day.

Happy Sunday, friends!
