Pine Glen Nurse Rehired for 2023-24 School Year

Plus, softball team makes the state championship!

Pine Glen Nurse Rehired for 2023-24 School Year

Good Morning, Burlington,

I was notified this week that Pine Glen School Nurse, Alexandra Laverty’s, contract was renewed for the 2023-24 school year. This follows an appeal to Dr. Conti and the School Committee back in March in response to allegations that Nurse Laverty was being unfairly targeted and threatened with non-renewal of her contract. A petition called “Stop the Unfair Termination of Nurse Alexandra Lavertythat made its rounds on the internet this spring garnered 234 signatures. (Pine Glen enrolls about 300 students.)

At that March meeting, community members and School Committee members stated Nurse Laverty has a special way of interacting with and supporting kids with varied needs and that losing her would be a loss to the community.

One more thing to note for today: The school district has sent out a transportation survey for parents to fill out. If you haven’t already responded, please do so before the survey closes on June 22.

Today in Burlington

Meetings and Events

Friday, June 16

Saturday, June 17

Sunday, June 18

  • Library Closed

Monday, June 19

  • Library & Town Offices Closed for Juneteenth Holiday

Sports and Activities

Our softball team won their semifinal game against Westfield yesterday! That means they’ll be playing in the championship at UMASS Amherst against Tewksbury! Date and time are still TBA.

Tomorrow, Burlington will be hosting the state lacrosse finals at BHS. Thanks to lacrosse ref Paul Noonan for the hot tip!

  • 10:00 Girls Division 3 Norwell vs Newburyport
  • 12:30 Boys Division 3 Norwell vs Falmouth
  • 3:30 Boys Division 2 Reading vs Duxbury
  • 6:00 Boys Division 1. BC High vs St. John’s Prep

Friday Funny

That’s all for today. As it’s my birthday tomorrow, and it’s been a very exhausting couple of weeks, I will likely take a day or two off over the weekend. See you back soon!
