Weekly Buzz | Waterworks
Does your water smell like dirt?
Good morning!
I missed the Buzz yesterday. I didn’t mean to, but Friday got away from me and I didn’t end up being able to get a nice story together like I usually do for you on Saturdays. So this sterile rundown of the events in the upcoming week will have to do.
I did, though, post this announcement for the BCAT Annual Meeting and Appreciation Awards. Excited for this on 6/24!
Also, there have been various complaints about the smell of the water in town over the last few weeks. Yet it doesn’t seem like the DPW has heard much about it. If you have water that smells like - I don’t really know how to describe it - dirt, or mildew, please call the DPW and let them know. I have seen lots of chatter about it on social media, but the DPW can’t do anything about it if they don’t know about it! Their number is (781) 270-1670.
Burlington This Week
Not much more time for commentary, so here’s a rundown of the week for ya. Add at will if I’m missing anything!
Monday, June 13
- 6:00 PM - Select Board
- 6:00 PM - Shawsheen Budget Subcommittee
- 7:00 PM - Information Systems Security Advisory Committee (ISSAC)
Tuesday, June 14
- 4:00 PM - Planning Sub Sculpture Park
- 7:00 PM - School Committee
Wednesday, June 15
- Last day to order discounted rain barrels!
- 1:00 PM - Planning Board - Interviews
- 6:00 PM - Conservation - Public Listening Session - for Vine Brook Watershed
- 6:00 PM - Recreation Commission
- 7:00 PM - Historical Commission
- 7:00 PM - Police Department Info Sessions on Police Preparedness
Thursday, June 16
- 7:00 PM - Planning Board
Friday, June 17
- Nothing to see here…
Saturday, June 18
- 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Shredding Day for Town Residents
That’s it for this weekend! I hope you’re enjoying it!