Town Clerk's Office to Hold Town-Wide Shredding Day
Protect your identity and the environment

The Town Clerk’s office will be running a Town-Wide Shredding Day on Saturday, October 28, from 9:00 AM-Noon.
Why should you shred your paper documents?
Protects You and Others from Identity Theft
Identity theft is on the rise and becoming a huge threat to your personal information. Criminals are still rummaging through trash cans and waste bins to find boxes with any personal information they can get their hands on. Even knowing something as simple as a name and address can make it easy for a thief to apply for a credit card under your name.
Saves You Storage Space
Piles of unnecessary papers and documents can cause clutter in the workplace. Paper can take up a lot of space in your home. Having big stacks of paper can also be a fire hazard. Shredding and disposing your excess paper safely and securely can help minimize your risk of a fire.
Preserves Mother Nature
We all want to do our best to protect mother nature, right? By shredding your unnecessary papers and documents, you are essentially helping to reduce the amount trees needing to be cut down. The paper that is shredded and recycling is used to make more paper. Shredded paper also serves as the perfect material to be composted.
Answers to Frequently-Asked Questions
What can I bring to be shredded?
You can bring anything that is paper – that includes folders, magazines, or any other paper products. Sorry, no cardboard.
Will my documents be securely handed?
Witnessing the shredding of your private records is the only way to guarantee security and give you peace of mind. Our vendor sends one of their paper destruction trucks to Town Hall. You can deposit your documents to one of the bins. Next, the bin is lifted into the truck and your documents are emptied directly into the shredder. Your files are destroyed beyond recognition. You can even go to the truck with our technician and watch while your documents are being shredded on a viewing screen on the side of the truck.