Town Clerk Seeking to Fill Vacancy in Town Meeting Precinct 7 ahead of September 28 Town Meeting

Meeting for existing precinct members to vote to fill the vacancy will be held on 9/20.

Notice is hereby given that there are vacancies for Burlington Town Meeting:

Precinct 7 – Vacancy for One Seat

Those who wish to be appointed to fill such vacancy, until the next Town Election, should contact the remaining Town Meeting Members of the Precinct for which they seek election, for the purpose of having their names placed in nomination.

The remaining members of said Precincts are hereby notified that a meeting of such members for the purpose of filling such vacancy will be held on Tuesday September 20, 2022 at 7 PM, at the Grand View Farm, 2nd floor conference room.

The list of active Town Meeting members are available at the Town Clerk’s Office or visit the Town’s Website at:

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Clerk’s office at 781-270-1660.