Election 2025: Town Meeting Member Profiles: Precinct 1

Meet your candidates for Town Meeting and learn about their priorities.

Election 2025: Town Meeting Member Profiles: Precinct 1

This article is a part of the Burlington Buzz Election 2025 Series, in which we profile each candidate for election. This year's election is on April 5, 2025, and our mission is to make it easy for all registered voters to vote by ensuring the community has access to information about the candidates and issues on the ballot. ELECTION CORNER

Michelle Huntoon

Tell voters a little about your background and why you're deciding to run for Town Meeting (or why you're running for re-election).

I've served one term on Town Meeting so far and I really enjoy working with people in our town to address various concerns and speak up for my precinct. Upon moving to Burlington, it was really important to me to become involved in our local government and have the opportunity to be a part of the decisions made that impact us all.

Why do you want to serve on Town Meeting?

We need voices from all different backgrounds on Town Meeting. In the past, it has been somewhat homogenous, and I am elated to see a lot of new blood getting involved. I think that my legal background, my passion for progress, and my empathy make me a strong asset to Town Meeting and I welcome the opportunity to continue with this work.

What do you see as your charge as a Town Meeting Member in your precinct?

I see my charge as one where I listen to my constituents in order to best represent their interests and do whatever I can to give them a voice in our town government.

What do you see as the three biggest priorities for Burlington and how should Town Meeting address them?

  1. Housing
  2. Capital Projects, such as building a new high school, elementary school, and police department
  3. This goes along with item 2, but managing our finances and keeping an eye on projects coming in the future so that we are not burdening our residents with tax increases for necessary projects, such as the situation we find ourselves in now. It is vitally important that we build a new high school, a new police station, and a new Fox Hill School, but we know for a fact that we will need to look ahead to building a new Pine Glen as well. It is our task to make these projects work within the timing and budget of our town.

How will you impact these important issues in your role as Town Meeting Member?

I've brought forward general bylaws that I believe would improve our town and our governmental structure. I also volunteer on the General Bylaw Review Committee and have spoken about many important issues at each Town Meeting. I am a vocal member of the body and have the confidence and assertiveness to continue to speak up whenever necessary. I also find it imperative to work with people speaking out in complete opposition to what I am trying to accomplish. There is so much value in what people from all backgrounds bring to the table, and I make sure to communicate that whenever the opportunity arises.

There are a number of building projects on the town's agenda that will impact tax bills for residents for decades to come. What do you think should be Town Meeting's role in the decision making process?

I don't think Town Meeting should be the rubber stamp that people say it typically is. It's important to debate and discuss all of these issues, and ultimately Town Meeting is where town spending is decided. I sincerely hope that the members are willing to see the value and the necessity behind these projects and do not shy away from making decisions to benefit everyone in this town, not just those who are unwilling to take on tax increases because they do not see a project benefiting them specifically as individuals.

Low inventory and high prices have resulted in a nationwide housing crisis whose impacts can be felt in Burlington. What do you think Burlington has done right, and what does the town still lack, to address this issue?

I think the new zoning implemented at the January town meeting is a great start, but we need to come at this problem with more strength and be more proactive. I found it very disappointing that the proposed zoning of the Rogers Piano site was met with so much negativity. It is a blighted area of our town, unattractive and useless, and a project that would have brought so much value and more needed housing was completely derailed. We need to get away from people hiding behind "protecting the character of the town" and be ready to move forward to address the ever-changing needs of our residents. Right now, many seniors who would, in normal times, be ready to downsize and move into smaller homes or condos, are stuck in single family homes that young families would typically buy. Seniors have no options for places to move to because demand is so much higher than inventory, which has the effect of starter homes being unavailable to new people moving into our town. It's time to get away from protecting a "town character" that is 30-50 years in the past. It's time to address current and future needs, and it should be done with thought of course, but also more aggressively.

How will you solicit input from your constituents?

I make myself available to my constituents via phone, email, and social media. I attend many town events as well. Trick or treating is also a fun time to meet so many people in the neighborhood, particularly because we have a 3 year old daughter who is almost as extroverted as I am!

Shannon Robinson

Tell voters a little about your background and why you're deciding to run for Town Meeting (or why you're running for re-election).

Hi! My name is Shannon Robinson. I am a resident of the Fox Hill area, over on Spring Valley Road where I have lived for 4 years with my husband and young son. I was born and raised in Foxboro, Massachusetts (Go Pats!). I have a Bachelors and a Masters from Tufts University, and work full time as a Software Engineer.

My family and I have loved our experience so far in Burlington and look forward to many more years here. I have always been very interested in local government and have always wanted to get as involved as I can wherever we settled. As soon as we moved in, I applied to be an election worker, which I love doing. It has allowed me to meet so many fellow Burlingtonians and taught me a lot about how the town works. It has certainly furthered my interest!

I believe I have the time, resources and enthusiasm to be a productive, helpful member of our precinct's group. I am particularly interested in the areas of education, housing, and parks and recreation, and am thrilled to have the opportunity to help make important decisions and represent my friends and neighbors on important issues.

Why do you want to serve on Town Meeting?

I want to help ensure that our town remains a great place to live, work, and raise a family. Town Meeting is the heart of our community’s decision-making process, and I am eager to bring a thoughtful, balanced, and responsive voice to the group. I believe local government is so important and impactful - it's where the issues that directly impact my life and the lives of our residents are decided!

What do you see as your charge as a Town Meeting Member in your precinct?

I believe it is my duty as a Town Meeting Member to represent the interests and concerns of my fellow Precinct 1 residents. I want to help foster transparency, encourage civic engagement, and advocate for policies that reflect our town’s future needs. Whether it’s responsible budgeting, new zoning laws, or public safety, I am dedicated to making informed decisions that serve the best interests of our entire community.

What do you see as the three biggest priorities for Burlington and how should Town Meeting address them?

I believe some of the biggest priorities for Burlington going forward are housing availability and affordability, transportation alternatives and walkability, and investment in education.

First, housing availability and affordability must be addressed to ensure that Burlington remains a welcoming and accessible community for all. Like many towns in the region, Burlington faces rising home prices and limited housing inventory, making it difficult for young families, seniors, and workers to find housing that meets their needs.

Second, transportation alternatives and walkability are essential for improving mobility and creating a more sustainable community. Expanding public transportation options, enhancing bike lanes, and improving pedestrian infrastructure will make it easier for residents to navigate town without relying solely on cars. This benefits not only commuters but also businesses, seniors, and families who want safer and more convenient ways to get around.

Finally, investment in education is crucial for maintaining the strength of our schools and preparing our students for future success. Continued investment is needed to support teachers, update facilities, and ensure access to quality programming for all students. With increasing enrollment and evolving educational needs, Burlington must work to fund necessary improvements to prepare the future workforce, attract families to our town, and strengthening the overall community.

How will you impact these important issues in your role as Town Meeting Member?

I think my role will be to regularly and thoughtfully solicit input from my constituents, listen, advocate, and vote in a way that reflects their best interests. I will also ensure I am always prepared and educated on the issues in order to make the most informed vote possible.

There are a number of building projects on the town's agenda that will impact tax bills for residents for decades to come. What do you think should be Town Meeting's role in the decision making process?

I think that Town Meeting plays a critical role in ensuring that the building projects (and any variable aspects of them) are necessary, fiscally reasonable, and aligned with the long-term needs of the community. As members, we should weigh the benefits of new building projects against the impact on taxpayers and make sure that each project is well-planned and appropriately scaled. Input from constituents and abutters to the projects will be crucial as well, and Town Meeting should make an effort to incorporate that.

Low inventory and high prices have resulted in a nationwide housing crisis whose impacts can be felt in Burlington. What do you think Burlington has done right, and what does the town still lack, to address this issue?

I certainly think Burlington has made some important moves in this area, and recently too! Burlington has taken important steps to address housing challenges by promoting mixed-use development and updating zoning regulations to encourage a broader range of housing options. Just recently, Town Meeting voted to rezone the area by Mall Road to include more housing, as well as in another area on Cambridge Road near the town center. Town Meeting also voted to customize Massachusetts' new laws around ADU's specifically for Burlington in way that, I feel, encourages the use of them while also protecting resident property values.

I think there is always room for improvement in this area, and so I think going forward, we should continue to identify opportunities for rezoning and adding mixed use housing. We can also try supporting smart, well-planned infill development and adaptive reuse of underutilized properties to help create more housing without overburdening our infrastructure or traffic patterns. I think that the Mall Road rezone is a good example of this and I'm sure there are more, especially with increasingly unused commercial properties.

Also, I think regional collaboration will be key. The housing crisis isn’t just a Burlington issue—it’s a everywhere. Partnering state and other local agencies to explore funding opportunities, infrastructure improvements, and housing initiatives will help us take a more comprehensive approach to this challenge.

How will you solicit input from your constituents?

I definitely want to be as approachable as possible to the people I represent! I plan to regularly speak with my friends and neighbors as part of my participation in Town Meeting. Increasing my participation in community groups and events is also on my To-Do list which will give me more opportunity to listen.

I'm also so excited to answer these questions for the Buzz because I know that it reaches so many people! (Long time subscriber, first time interviewee) I hope any of my fellow Precinct 1 residents who are reading this will take note of my name and email and feel free to contact me anytime!

Communication is key but can also be two-way! In addition to hearing concerns and input, I also plan to help keep my constituents informed about what’s happening at Town Meeting, and will share updates on major issues, explain key decisions, and encourage public participation in the process.

Shayan Bhattacherya

Tell voters a little about your background and why you're deciding to run for Town Meeting (or why you're running for re-election).

I've lived in Burlington for many years and would like to have the opportunity to serve the community in any way possible. Through my experience on the Ways and Means committee and as a long-time Burlington resident, I have seen many changes to our town and would like to be able to give a voice to our residents.

Why do you want to serve on Town Meeting?

With a history of involvement with the local Bengali community as well as my work with Ways and Means, I have found that the best ways to effect betterments for members of our communities is to work with them directly and address the issues they face on a regular basis. Often, ‘we don’t know until we ask’ and so many people are facing the same problems without knowing that their neighbors are as well, simply because there is no forum for discussion. By being involved, I hope to bring a voice to our community and offer a perspective that otherwise may not be seen.

What do you see as your charge as a Town Meeting Member in your precinct?

I see myself as a representative of the Indian community in Burlington; someone with roots in the town who wants to make an impact.

What do you see as the three biggest priorities for Burlington and how should Town Meeting address them?

I want to see Burlington progress and grow with a mindset towards economic development and stability while maintaining its historic character and charm. Burlington has much to offer its residents and I would like to see that growth continue in a way that lifts all boats.

How will you impact these important issues in your role as Town Meeting Member?

With a mind to fiscal responsibility and prudent decision making, I believe we can make Burlington one of the best communities to live in.

There are a number of building projects on the town's agenda that will impact tax bills for residents for decades to come. What do you think should be Town Meeting's role in the decision making process?

While some of the upcoming projects on the agenda are large, they have been pending for a long time and delaying them further will only end up costing taxpayers more in the long run. I believe it is Town Meeting's responsibility to investigate these decisions and make sound choices based on what makes the most sense for our community in the long run, not just what will appease us today.

Low inventory and high prices have resulted in a nationwide housing crisis whose impacts can be felt in Burlington. What do you think Burlington has done right, and what does the town still lack, to address this issue?

Burlington has continued to grow and expand to meet the needs of an ever-changing market, both from a residential and commercial perspective. These needs continue to change and there are many opportunities we still continue to explore to try to meet those needs. What has worked for many years may not work in years to come, and we must be willing to adapt and try new ideas in order to keep pace with markets that change ever faster.

How will you solicit input from your constituents?

I am very easy to reach! I can be reached by phone, email, or you can simply knock on my door.

Mimi Bix-Hylan

Tell voters a little about your background and why you're deciding to run for Town Meeting (or why you're running for re-election).

I’m a 10-year Burlington resident this summer. I have been a TMM since 2021 and am choosing to run for re-election for the same reasons I ran in the first place; I want to have a voice in the local politics that impact the quality of life in my community. I have never missed a Town Meeting. I think consistent attendance and active participation are important.

Why do you want to serve on Town Meeting?

I want diverse voices to be heard. I am trained professionally to listen carefully to what people say and can speak about viewpoints that differ from my own. I want to continue to support Burlington’s growth as it adapts to its changing demographics and modern challenges.

What do you see as your charge as a Town Meeting Member in your precinct?

I study the warrant articles that come before Town Meetings and consider their respective impacts. Some warrant articles get a lot of attention from the public. It is the responsibility of each Town Meeting Member to pay attention to what is important to stakeholders and make sure they reflect those concerns at TM and on the committees that they may serve on.

What do you see as the three biggest priorities for Burlington and how should Town Meeting address them?

Among the priorities are fiscally responsible planning for capital projects and the school budget, addressing housing needs, and supporting commercial and residential development in an environmentally responsible manner.

How will you impact these important issues in your role as Town Meeting Member?

I am an active member of the BHS School Building Committee and the Land Use Committee. I also pay attention to the work of other committees including the School Committee. I am informed and engaged.

There are a number of building projects on the town's agenda that will impact tax bills for residents for decades to come. What do you think should be Town Meeting's role in the decision making process?

The decisions that arise from Town Meeting’s deliberations provide leadership to the greater community.

Low inventory and high prices have resulted in a nationwide housing crisis whose impacts can be felt in Burlington. What do you think Burlington has done right, and what does the town still lack, to address this issue?

This January Town Meeting approved the Mall Road Mixed Use Rezoning proposal. I supported this zoning change that allows for the development of a live-work-shop area in Burlington. I view the passage of this warrant article as a win for housing and a win for beautifying an area that is currently a lot of asphalt.

How will you solicit input from your constituents?

I am responsive to email. If someone emails and asks for a phone call, I call them. I do not make my private number available publicly because I am a clinician and do not want my personal number out in the public, but I am responsive to email inquiries. I have ongoing conversations with homeowners and renters.

Florence Leone

This candidate did not provide a profile to Burlington Buzz.

Maureen Ryan

This candidate did not provide a profile to Burlington Buzz.

Gregory Ryan

This candidate is running for a seat on the Planning Board and did not provide a Town Meeting Candidate profile to Burlington Buzz.