Daily Buzz | Town Meeting Warrant Arrives

Don't forget to pull nomination papers to run for Town Meeting in your precinct

Daily Buzz | Town Meeting Warrant Arrives
I just really liked how the afternoon sun and clouds were playing together yesterday afternoon. I couldn’t get a great shot, but this will do. Photo by author.

Good Morning, Burlington!

Guess what came in the mail this week. If you’re one of our 126 Town Meeting members, you already know: The January 23 Town Meeting Warrant and Backup!

Maybe this is a funny thing to be excited about, but the January warrant is not nearly as daunting as the May one with all its financial articles and budget spreadsheets and the like. No, this warrant is nice and slim—svelte, even.

I’ll be writing up a summary of all the articles for next week after I’ve got all the details for my book release squared away.

This will be a good time for me to remind you that nomination papers are up in the Town Clerk’s office. Stop by on your way home from work, on your way to the library with your kids, as an excuse to get out of your home office—whatever your routine allows. Because there are tons of seats available, especially in every single precinct for Town Meeting. (Each precinct has 18 representatives, and we elect 6 each year along with filling seats that were vacated before the end of the 3-year term.) Yet only a handful of folks had pulled papers for TM as of 1/6.

Town Meeting is an accessible way to learn more about the way Town government operates and get more involved in deciding how our money is spent and what our priorities are as a town. It meets three times a year, in January, May, and September.

Reach out to me or to the Town Clerk’s office if you want to chat about your run for office.

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Today in Burlington

Meetings and Events

Earlier this week I mistakenly placed Conservation Commission on Friday rather than Thursday. They do meet tonight at 6:30.

  • 9:00 AM - Housing Authority has their regular meeting, where they talk about lots of financial things, including paying for a walk-in shower project. (Tower Hill Apartments Community Room)
  • 11:00 AM - Ways and Means Committee - TH II Subcommittee will discuss and vote on Town Meeting Article 9, which requests $25,000 for a Cybersecurity Assessment. (Town Hall Annex and online)
  • 5:30 PM - Select Board Strategic Planning Session during which the SB will discuss cardboard dumpsters and government restructure, as well as hear from the Housing Partnership and conclude the public hearing regarding the proposed Winn View Heights II development. Due to a recent bylaw addition that passed Town Meeting, their vote on that project will take place after a waiting period. (Town Hall)
  • 4:00 PM - Indoor Snow Science (K-5 library event) (Register)
  • 6:30 PM - Conservation Commission will discuss and close out some projects in town, and will continue the public hearing about work to be done at 214 Winn St. (Town Hall and online)
  • 6:30 PM - (library event) Last Word Toastmasters Club
  • 7:00 PM - Select Board - Design Advisory Group will meet at Grandview Farm to discuss design guidelines for the Electronic Sign Town Meeting Article.

Sports and Activities

Yesterday’s Boys’ Varsity hockey game ended in a 1-1 tie in Watertown, and our wrestlers were out-wrestled by Melrose, ending with a score of 71-9 and bringing our record to 2-1 in the ML Freedom and 6-7 overall.

The boys’ swim team continues to work hard and improve their times, but fell to Watertown/Arlington on Tuesday with a score of 71-91.

Today we have boys’ gymnastics against Lowell at 7:00. Look out for a basketball-full day tomorrow!

Have a fabulous day, Burlington!
