Daily Buzz | Town Meeting to Fill Vacancies This Week
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Good Morning, Burlington!
This evening, there will be a meeting for Town Meeting Members from Precinct 4 to do two things: First, they’ll vote to break the tie between write-in candidates. Then, they’ll appoint someone to fill a seat that was vacated after the election. There is also a meeting scheduled on Thursday to fill a vacant seat in Precinct 3. Other than that, it appears all the seats in our local government have been filled by the election on April 1.
That’s cool, but it’s also a low bar. There is now one year until the next town election, and I encourage you to start thinking now about how you and the other Burlington residents will join the next race to show this town that we care who governs us. This vicious cycle we are in, where no one shows up to vote in elections because no one runs for office and then no one runs for office because what’s the point if no one votes, does not benefit our town.
Not everyone agrees on this point, by the way. I have heard the argument that the reason people don’t show up at the polls (or run for office) is that they’re generally content and that when something shows up on the ballot that they are unhappy about (like a tax increase), or when they become discontent with something going on in leadership, they’ll show up both to run and to vote. And that might be part of it. I just don’t think this is the whole story.
I think the missing piece of the story is the complacency that has been trained into us that local government doesn’t matter. People don’t know why they should care, and for people as busy as we are, convincing them is hard.
Of course, I don’t want a tax increase or a scandal to compel people to show up at the polls or on the ballot. I only want Burlington residents to be aware of how local government affects our lives and engaged in the process.
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Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- 6:00 PM - Select Board has its first meeting of the new term, though not much will change because there has been no change in its makeup. The chair position will shift, however. Tonight they’ll review the budgets and Town Meeting warrant articles that will be voted on at May Town Meeting. They’ll also talk about refinancing at Grandview Common and fees at Grandview Farm, among other items. (Town Hall and virtual)
- 6:00 PM - Town Clerk/Town Meeting Members meet to (1) break the tie for a write-in seat in Precinct 4 and to (2) fill a seat by appointment that was vacated after the election. (Precinct 4; Town Hall Annex)
- 7:00 PM - Shawsheen School Committee - Policy Committee will meet to discuss updating the language in some policies. (Shawsheen Tech)
Sports and Activities
Lacrosse: JV girls travel to Bedford and play at 4:00, and Varsity hosts Bedford with boys playing at 5:30 and girls at 7:00 at BHS.
Tennis: Boys and girls both play Stoneham at Rahanis at 4:00.
Softball: Varsity and JV both play in Lexington at 4:15.
Baseball: We host Lexington at 4:15, with Freshmen playing at 61 Center Street and Varsity at Francis Wyman.
That’s all I’ve got for you today. Prepare for a gorgeous week, and I’ll see you tomorrow!