Candidate Interview | Katherine Bond
Candidate for Burlington School Committee, 2023
Hello, Burlington!
The local election is coming up and, now that her first term is ending, Katherine Bond is re-running for her School Committee seat.
Listen in as Katherine tells us why she thinks she’s the best candidate for the role, and what she sees as the most important work in front of the School Committee in the next three years.
Hope you enjoy!
Note: we had to improvise a little due to the storm, so I apologize for the background noise you hear. Thanks to Katherine for being gracious and helping me get it done with our crazy schedules! Find Katherine at her Facebook page and website.
Hear my interviews with incumbents Carl Foss and Jeremy Brooks, and don’t forget to vote on April 1!
Episode Notes:
Don’t forget to become a Hive member for early access to all the Burlington Buzz on the Mic episodes.
Theme Music:
fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square