For Immediate Posting: Planning Board Vacancy

Can you or someone you know support the town's Planning Board?

PRESS RELEASE from Amy Warfield, Burlington Town Clerk

April 19, 2022

The Planning Board has one (1) Planning Board member seat open on this elected board.  At this time we are seeking residents who wish to serve their community as an interim Planning Board member. The individual appointed to the Planning Board will serve from the date of the appointment until the Town’s 2023 Annual Election in April.

The work of the Planning Board involves technical and legal processes to guide in the use of land and design of the Town to ensure the orderly, long-range development and fiscal stability of the community and work in conjunction with the Massachusetts General Laws and the Town’s General and Zoning Bylaws.  The Planning Board  reviews  for  recommendation  zoning  amendments  to  Town  Meeting  as  well  as  Site  Plans,  Special Permits and subdivisions. There are also a number of long range planning initiatives that the Department and Board are involved.

If you wish to be considered for this position, please fill out the following questionnaire and email it to Planning Board Search Committee at

The final candidate will be appointed at a joint meeting of the Planning Board and the Selectboard at a date to be determined. The Planning Board currently meets the first and third Thursday of every month at 7:00p.m. More information about the Planning Board and Department can be found at

The original press release and questionnaire for potential candidates can be found below. ⬇⬇⬇

Press Release Open Pb Seat 2022Download