Planning Board Split on MBTA Communities Zoning
And, meaningful holidays will be celebrated this weekend

The Planning Board heard more arguments last night, both in favor of and in opporition to the MBTA Communities Zoning proposal that will go before May Town Meeting. After another long conversation, the Planning Board was split, voting 4-3 to recommend this new multifamily zoning overlay to Town Meeting.
The strategy for rezoning a part of the Grandview Farm property so the new police station can be built upon it was also not unanimously agreed upon. As at the previous meeting, many on the Board were disappointed that more thorough plans hadn’t been presented, and so it wasn’t clear how much of the property the police station would actally require. The Planning Board voted 5-2 in favor of recommending the rezoning to the Select Board, with the agreement that whatever part of the property wasn’t used for the police station would be zoned back to the previous zoning.
Unanimously recommended were the proposals to update parking requirements and the updated use table for the zoning bylaws that Planning staff has been working on for the better part of a year in conjunction with Burlington’s business community.
The petition for a drive through at Northwest Park and the request for rezoning at Fox Hill were both withdrawn.