Weekly Buzz | Welcome to Our Newest Community Members!

Weekly Buzz | Welcome to Our Newest Community Members!

Good Morning, Burlington!

Thanks to all of you who came out yesterday to Celebrate Burlington Day on the Common. Despite the heat we had a great day, though we did have to pack it in a half-hour early because of a quick squall that dumped rain for a minute and tried to steal our tents.

If you’re new here (lots of sign ups yesterday - thanks!), you can read more about us (and by “us” I mean “mostly me with occasional appearances by Tony and Judy”) here. And don’t forget to share the Buzz with everyone you know in Burlington!

This Week in Burlington

As a reminder, agendas don’t need to be in until 48 hours before any given meeting, so things might be added or changed throughout the week.

Monday, August 8

Tuesday, August 9

Wednesday, August 10

Thursday, August 11

Friday, August 12 - Sunday, August 14

  • Nothing yet!

That’s it. I’m still in a puddle on the couch, so not much editorializing today. I’ll see you tomorrow!
