Weekly Buzz | Tons of Activities for Break Week
Enjoy family, kid, or adult activities at the library
Good Morning, Everyone!
Getting a bit of a late start, as I tend to do on vacation weeks, but I’m here with your Weekly Buzz. Expect this week to be a little light on official news, but I’ll be here with it!
If you’re running for local office, especially if your race is contested, feel free to reach out to me, as some of you already have, for an interview or podcast appearance. I hope to interview at least candidates for contested town-wide seats (School Committee and Recreation Commission) and will branch out as I’m able.
Also - there is a free citizenship information night tonight at the Woburn Public Library, offered jointly with Burlington Public Library. From the library website: “Learn the basics of becoming a U.S. citizen and details of our upcoming 10 week Citizenship course. Long-time Citizenship Instructor Mike Oliver of St. Mark Community Education, will answer all your questions.” If you or anyone you know has questions about citizenship, this will be a valuable program. See below for more information.
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This Week in Burlington
Meetings and Events
There is plenty to do at the library this week, and if you don’t find anything there that tickles your fancy, you can check out one of my favorite websites for parents, Hulafrog.
Tuesday, February 21
- 11:00 AM - Family movie showing at the library
- 5:00 PM - Housing Partnership will discuss Life Time Living condos, a Teen Homelessness Grant, and more. (Join online)
- 6:30 PM - Jurassic Park origami and movie showing at the library (Register)
- 7:00 PM - Board of Appeals at Town Hall. As usual, they’ll be opening with administrative items 7:00 and then the public hearings will begin at 7:30. Tonight’s administrative items include whether or not to hire an outside organization to handle certified mailings. Public hearing is for a sign variance for Nick’s Place at 114 Cambridge Street.
- 7:00 PM - Free Citizenship Course Information Night at Woburn Public Library: Joint offering
Wednesday, February 22
- 11:00 AM - Minecraft Party at the library (Register)
Thursday, February 23
- 10:15 AM—12:15 PM - Learn how to use the Libby app to read audiobooks and ebooks (Library event; Register)
- 11:00—11:45 AM - Maker Space: PreK-Grade 5 (Library event; Register)
- 6:30—8:45 PM Last Word Toastmasters Club at the library
- 6:30—7:30 PM - Free Blood Pressure Screening at the library
- 6:30 PM - Conservation Commission at Town Hall and virtual. They’ll talk about updating stormwater fees and improving education and enforcement around tree removal, as well as reviewing some proposed projects: tree removal; construction of an addition; and construction of a new residence.
Friday, February 24
- 11:00—11:30 AM - Mo Willems Storytime (Library event; Register)
- 4:00—5:30 PM - D&D For Beginners (Grades 4-8) (Library event; Register)
Saturday, February 25
- 11:00 AM - Reptile Show: Children & Caregivers at the library (Register)
Sports and Activities
I’ll check for score updates for tomorrow’s edition; for now, I’ll leave you with this:
- Varsity Girls’ Hockey team hosts Woburn at 10:00
- Varsity Girls’ Basketball plays in Waltham at 3:00
That’s all for today. See you tomorrow!