Weekly Buzz | Name Our Pocket Park

And win a cash prize!

Weekly Buzz | Name Our Pocket Park

Good Morning and Happy Sunday, Burlington!

Did you know there’s a contest going on to name the pocket park between Coldwell Banker and Sweet Ginger? You should enter it. But please come up with something better than my family’s recommendations of “Parky McParkface” and “Caffeine’s Funeral.” I beg you. The contest runs until July 22, so you’ve got plenty of time to put your best idea forward.

This Week in Burlington

Looks like meetings are picking back up a little this week, though many Boards and Committees go down to one meeting per month during the summer.

Also, I haven’t mentioned the library in a while, but wow is there a lot of amazing going on there every single day. This week, for example, there are storytimes from around the world, free blood pressure screenings, and a teen video game tournament. And that’s only a small sampling of the offerings - there is quite truly something for everyone.

Monday, July 11

Tuesday, July 12

Wednesday, July 13

Thursday, July 14

Friday, July 15

  • Nothing yet!

Saturday, July 16

  • Nothing yet!

Sunday, July 17

  • Nothing yet!

As always, hit me up with anything you’d like to see added!

Have a great, beautiful Sunday, friends!
