Weekly Buzz | Celebrate Chanukah at Wayside this Tuesday

And, Boards and Commissions prepare for the winter

Weekly Buzz | Celebrate Chanukah at Wayside this Tuesday

Hello, Burlington!

Another week is upon us, and the busy transition from fall to winter doesn’t let up. This week your local Boards and Commissions will be talking about restricting work on the roadways during the winter, permit applications for additions and new home constructions, and defining committees & setting meeting calendars for the upcoming year.  Be sure to check out each day’s Buzz for more detailed discussion topics for each meeting.

Celebrate Chanukah at Wayside this Tuesday

The Chabad Center of Lexington will be holding a Gelt Drop this Tuesday at Wayside Shopping Center. Celebrate Chanukah with your neighbors as candy coins fall for the children to pick up. For some, this centuries-old tradition rewards children for their good behavior and/or provides currency they can use to play dreidel, a popular spinning top game.

This Week in Burlington

Municipal Meetings and Community Events

Monday, December 11

Tuesday, December 12

Wednesday, December 13

Thursday, December 14

Friday, December 15

Saturday, December 16

Sunday, December 17

Sports and Activities

Winter sports are baaaack! We’ve got a packed calendar this week, including basketball, hockey, track, swimming, and wrestling!

(Belated) Friday Funny

Have a great week, neighbors!


Share this Buzz with anyone looking for local Hanukkah activities!