Weekend Buzz | Sculpture Park Kicks Off Installation Season With New Sculpture
"Rybee House 3" represents shelter and nature
Good morning, friends!
Before we start, I wanted to wish the best of luck to all our Burlington baseball teams participating in district tournaments this weekend! Thanks to shadow sports reporter Tony, I’ll have some results to share with you early next week!
Also, if you’re getting this before noon and have a bag full of paper you’ve been meaning to shred, go ahead and take that bag down to the pocket park between Sweet Ginger and True North for a shred party!
Okay, so, while nothing at all was happening for me yesterday, something cool was happening in the center of town.
Kicking off the 2022-24 Installation Season, the Sculpture Park unveiled its newest sculpture yesterday, entitled Rybee House 3.
According to sculptor, Stephen Klema, Rybee House 3 marries themes of shelter and nature to give the viewer a sense of relaxing in the natural world. With its whimsical elements and mix of bold and natural colors, the sculpture reminds me of childhood fairy dreams mixed with playtime at the park. Indeed, the sculpture is inspired by a hideout his children used to have in the woods.
The sculpture occupies the space where, until recently, Next Stop Shibuya stood. As the season continues on, more of our leased sculptures will be turning over and we’ll be welcoming some fresh ones!
Be sure to stop by the Sculpture Park between Grandview Farm and the police station and check out our newest addition!
See you tomorrow, friends!