Daily Buzz | Vision for Blanchard/Wheeler Corridor One Step Closer to Reality

And, mosquito spraying today

Daily Buzz | Vision for Blanchard/Wheeler Corridor One Step Closer to Reality

Hello, Burlington!

This morning, we have a mishmash of town information and news to share with you. All these stories were reported first by our friends at BCAT, but I am sharing them here in the hopes they reach more Burlington residents!

West Nile Virus Found in Burlington

West Nile Virus was found in mosquitoes tested on August 1 in Burlington. Be sure to take precautions to not get bitten and to eliminate mosquitoes in your area to the extent possible. The town will also be sending out spraying trucks today. In this video, DPH Environmental Engineer Christine Mathis gives some background and mitigation measures.

Proposals for the Future of Blanchard/Wheeler Road Corridor Are Here

The town has been working for months with consultants and residents to create a plan for the area of town between South Bedford Street and Middlesex Turnpike. The state has awarded the town a half-million dollars in Complete Streets grant money to install a sidewalk to increase walkability between recreation areas, residences, and businesses along this corridor, but that is only one aspect of the town’s plans for this road.

Stakeholders in the area reported wanting more connectivity and connection with nature, much like respondents to the Northeastern survey about the Vine Brook area earlier this year. The full report establishes the goals of the work as well as some actions that can help us meet those goals.

Sweet Ginger Closes

More than a restaurant, Sweet Ginger was a place where locals connected over a drink or a dish. When it closed with short notice recently, many residents were left shocked. Read some reminiscences in Sydney Boles’ story for BCAT.

Today in Burlington

Municipal Meetings and Community Events

Sports and Activities

BHS fall sports tryouts start next week. Be sure your student is registered in FamilyID!

That’s all for today. See you tomorrow!


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