Daily Buzz | Help Our Food Pantry Reach its Fundraising Goal

And learn about Town Meeting (and join, if you're in Precinct 6 or 7!) prior to May Town Meeting

Daily Buzz | Help Our Food Pantry Reach its Fundraising Goal

Hello and good morning!

Is it possible that today is even busier than yesterday? Let’s find out.

Join (or Just Learn About) Town Meeting

This evening at 6:30, three will be a Town Meeting Boot Camp in the Town Hall Annex Basement Meeting Room. This event is for basically anyone. New Town Meeting members, you should definitely be there. Existing TMMs, come if you want a refresher. Interested community members, come one come all!

Related, there are still some vacant seats on Town Meeting. Precinct 6 somehow ended up with a vacant seat (I’m not sure how, since the election was contested in this precinct, but here we are), and Precinct 7 has 4 vacant seats.

Precinct 6 consists of the Route 62 corridor from 3A to Wilmington and adjacent neighborhoods. Precinct 7 is an oddly-shaped precinct that encompasses all of the Middlesex Turnpike area up to Sandy Brook Road, including the end of Middlesex Tpk near Lexington and the surrounding roads, as well as the Winnmere area up behind Sammy’s, One Stop, etc. It’s hard to describe, but here is the precinct map so you can see for yourself where you fall.

Precinct 7 includes a lot of commercial/retail areas, some rental properties, and some single-family homes - it might be the most mixed of all the precincts. (Don’t quote me on that. Please.) It is also traditionally the most under-represented precinct in Town Meeting. There are lots of potential reasons for this, but the end outcome is that proportionally fewer voices from Precinct 7 are represented at Town Meeting, and that’s something that really needs to be addressed.

So, I implore you. If you are in Precinct 7 or 6, please consider putting your name in for a seat on Town Meeting. These seats really need to be filled before May 9 Town Meeting to ensure equal representation of all our residents. And, the boot camp is the perfect place to hear about it. More details here.

The Walk for Hunger is this Sunday!

This Sunday, May 1, is the Walk for Hunger, sponsored by Project Bread. Our food pantry, People Helping People, is raising money for this amazing cause, and there are still a few days left to make a difference. Our goal for Burlington is $5000, and we’re currently a little under halfway to that point. So be sure to join up, send a donation, and support people in need in our community. More information here.

You can also listen to my interview with Pantry Manager Julie Lewis right here on the podcast.

Today in Burlington

Lots on the agenda today. Where will you be?

That’s it for today. (Yep, that’s all.  )

See you tomorrow,


P.S. Oops, guess that wasn’t it. After yesterdays’ Select Board recap, I learned that the Presbyterian Church of Burlington does offer parking for commuters. They ask for a twice-annual donation to your comfort level and ability, but other than that the parking is free and on a first-come, first-served basis.