Daily Buzz | Celebration, Connection, and Coffee

Plus, Land Use Committee to receive update from DPW

Daily Buzz | Celebration, Connection, and Coffee

Good Morning, Burlington!

Of course, my family picks just before vacation to get sick. It’s the way of the world. I’m going to make this one super quick and then get back into bed.

First, I’ll share the Shawsheen Tech Honor Roll has been announced. Know any students at the Tech? Take a look and see if you can find some familiar names! Congratulations to these students for all their hard work during the first quarter.

I do feel overdue for a reminder that we are on social media. Join us on Twitter, Instagram, and/or Facebook to keep up with what’s going on. I try and fill my stories and retweets with events and announcements from around town. And if you know who has @burlingtonbuzz on Instagram, let me know! I just wanna talk.

Also, if you have details about the Lip Sync Battle that’s on the school calendar for tomorrow night, I’d love to know about that, too.

Finally, if you ever feel like buying me a coffee or three so I can keep getting up at 5am to write the Buzz and more, I have a button for you.

Today in Burlington

Meetings and Events

Lots of discussion of town logistics today, from waste management to sign design guidelines. And all the meetings are online, which will keep you occupied all evening if you choose to join them!

Alright, I’ll leave you with that. I hope you have a great day and avoid whatever plague is being passed around.
