Daily Buzz | Celebrate Burlington is This Weekend!

Fireworks, unfortunately yet wisely, not included

Daily Buzz | Celebrate Burlington is This Weekend!

Good morning!

Sorry I missed you yesterday! In case you didn’t catch my note on Facebook, my devices were apparently trying to send me a message that they needed a vacation at least as much as I did. My phone shattered while we were away, and then when we got home Baby Buzz tried to go fishing with his cute little toy fishing pole and ended up smashing my laptop screen with the hook.

So far neither of the devices are fixed, and so I’m writing to you on a laptop that’s so old it might as well be a typewriter.

But, at least I’m back! Hopefully you enjoyed the scheduled (and not-so-scheduled) posts and didn’t miss me too much. I have a lot to share, but I’m going to spread it out over the next few days so I don’t stress this old computer out and ruin yet another device.

The big thing to share today is that Celebrate Burlington Day is this weekend! As of now, there is rain forecast, but I don’t know if it’s the kind of ghost rain that we hear about but never actually see - so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for announcements about the day. If the event is canceled on Saturday, it will occur on Sunday instead.

What won’t be occurring: Fireworks! Which makes a ton of sense, given the fact that most of the grass and other vegetation in town has been reduced to kindling under the dry conditions of the last several weeks. They’ll be rescheduled when it’s safer to do so.

But what will be occurring - tons of other fun stuff, like a car show, a carnival, and Burlington trivia from your favorite local accidental-almost-journalist. I’ll be near the gazebo and Alex’s Ice Cream, because someone must loooooove me!

Be there or be square! Don’t forget to check for the definitive answer from the Recreation Department on whether it will go off as planned. My suspicion is yes.

See you there, friends!

Friday Funny

I almost forgot! Here you go. This one hits real close to home. Just replace “bowl” with “cup, glass, water bottle, and mug.”

Happy Friday!
