Voting in Burlington: When and Where
Learn when and where voting in Burlington, Massachusetts, will take place on Presidential Election Day 2025.

After weeks of mail-in and early in-person voting have already been underway, the nation's official Election Day has arrived. Where will voting in Burlington be held? What time do the polls open and close? Can you still return your mail-in ballot? All those questions will be answered here.
Voting in Burlington will take place at Burlington High School on November 5, 2024. The Town Clerk's office will open the polls at 6:00 AM, and the polls will close at 8:00 in the evening. Reports suggest that there were a steady stream of early voters at Town Hall during the Early In-Person Voting period, but many residents have chosen to cast their votes at the polls on Election Day. Average turnout for Burlington for Presidential elections has been much higher than local election turnout, with over 87% of eligible voters casting a vote in 2020.
The Buzz has talked to many readers who will be bringing their kids with them to participate in the civic process.
Mail-in ballots can be returned to the drop box in front of Town Hall at 29 Center Street by 8:00 PM this evening, or they can be postmarked by today provided that they're received by the local election office within three days. If you requested a Vote-By-Mail ballot and changed your mind, you can still vote in person.
You can review a sample ballot before you vote, to prepare for how you will fill in the actual ballot. You can also learn more about the ballot questions and the candidates up for election on Ballotpedia, the Tufts Center for State Policy Analysis.
The Burlington Police Department reminds residents that there is no campaigning within 150 feet of a polling location.